If you have been experiencing some overeating, try not to beat yourself up. It happens and it's all about taking a look at any habits that may be influencing you to do so.
To limit or avoid overeating during your eating window, it’s important to eat enough during your eating phase. If you don't eat enough before your fast, you'll never be able to satisfy your hunger hormones, and you'll remain hungry for the duration of your fast. Therefore, make sure to fuel yourself with plenty of healthy foods during your eating window. Fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, lean protein, and whole grains are great options.
Try to avoid processed foods and refined carbohydrates, like sugars, starches, and packaged foods. These simple carbs cause your blood sugar to drastically rise and crash, creating cravings and hunger later on.
Always keep yourself well hydrated and try to make healthy lifestyle choices. Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle, not a diet. So get enough sleep and rest to help your body recharge. Movement during your eating window may curb some cravings and can also boost your metabolism. So take a walk to stop yourself from overeating.
Before you eat, take a few deep breaths to help activate your rest and digest system. This makes it so you’ll be less likely to eat in a hurried manner and improves digestion.
Remember not to be too harsh on yourself. A few steps “back” are all a natural part of the learning and growing process.